Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Portlight Technology recognizes that it is necessary, for the future of South Africa, to increase the participation of the majority of the country’s citizens in the economy. To this end it supports initiatives taken by the Department of Trade and Industry and the various industry sectors to promote broad-based black economic empowerment within the company.
Our company is currently classed as an Exempted Micro Enterprise Level 4 (65% - 74.99%) as measured by means of a balanced scorecard, provided by the Department of Trade and Industry.
Our Certificate number is C/RN: EMEX4256
To further show our commitment to Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment, consultants have recently been appointed to prepare a balanced scorecard for the company.
Portlight Technology is also committed to implementation of BEE principles whenever staff appointments are made, to further the company’s goal of reaching the targets set by the Department of Trade and Industry